Nielsen has released their top 10 mobile games for the U.S. operator market in 2008. Not surprisingly, Tetris is still leading the charts with an overall revenue of 7.0%.
1. 7.0% Tetris
2. 4.0% Bejeweled
3. 3.6% Guitar Hero III
4. 2.6% Wheel of Fortune
5. 2.5% Pac-Man
6. 1.9% The Oregon Trail
7. 1.7% Ms. Pac-Man
8. 1.6% Are You Smarter Then...
9. 1.6% Tetris Mania
10. 1.2% Surviving High School
This chart clearly shows the strong value of brands on the U.S. operators decks. The fact that there are two Tetris and Pac-Man related titles says it all. The U.S. consumer did not change in 2008.